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Ad Rates

Rich Media can produce creative for Rich Media ads. All ads will be designed based on input from the client. Clients will need to provide art elements and logos for use in the design and may provide photoshop mockups of what they want their ad to look like. requires a 5 day turn around for all rich media ads.

Clients creating their own rich media ads must meet all specifications and requirements outlined below and must provide with working DART ad tags for all creative.

Note: For testing purposes, must obtain all rich media ads in the proper format (dart tags) five days prior to launch date for testing.

Expandable Ads    example

Epandable Ad Specs:

1. Expanding ads are available in the following sizes (the first size indicates the base image size and second indicates the expanded size): 728x90 - 728x360, 160x600 - 480x600, 300x250 - 600x250, 336x280 - 672x280, 300x600 - 600x600.

2. There is a 50K total file size limit for expanding ads (all elements combined).

3. All animation is restricted to three loops.

4. Expanding ads can be created from either static or animated image elements. For static rich media ads, please submit gif or jpeg images to size. For animated rich media ads, please submit flv or swf files and be sure to include either a gif or jpeg replacement image. All ads that contain flash animation must meet all specifications for flash advertising, including clicktag. Please click here to see flash specs.

5. Any audio must be user-Initiated on click and include prominent on/off buttons.

6. A "close" button must be present in the bottom corner of the expanded portion of the ad, and the expanded portion must revert on "mouse-off".

7. Clients must provide with working DART ad tags. All link targets should be set to "new window". All links should be set to equal "dart" and Click Label should be set to "baseclick."

8. If you are providing DART tags, z-index should be set to 2147483647

Peelback Ads    example

Peelback Ad Specs:

1. The dimensions for the teaser image of a peelback ad are 120x60 pixels. The dimensions for the expandable portion are 650x480, but only half of this area will be visible (see the example above).

2. There is a 70K total file size limit for peelback ads (all elements combined).

3. All animation is restricted to three loops.

4. Peelback ads can be created from either static or animated image elements. For static rich media ads, please submit gif or jpeg images to size. For animated rich media ads, please submit flv or swf files and be sure to include either a gif or jpeg replacement image. All ads that contain flash animation must meet all specifications for flash advertising, including clicktag. Please click here to see flash specs.

5. Any audio must be user-Initiated on click and include prominent on/off buttons.

6. A "close" button must be present somewhere in the expanding portion of the ad and this portion must revert on "mouse-off".

7. Clients must provide with working DART ad tags. All link targets should be set to "new window". All links should be set to equal "dart" and Click Label should be set to "baseclick."

Sliding Billboard     example

Sliding Billboard Specs:

1. The dimensions for the pencil image are 970x30 pixels. The dimensions for the expandable portion are 970x300.

2. There is a 90K total file size limit (all elements combined).

3. No looping is allowed in Sliding Billboards and all animation is restricted to 10 seconds.

4. Sliding Billboard ads can be created from either static or animated image elements. For static rich media ads, please submit gif or jpeg images to size. For animated rich media ads, please submit flv or swf files and be sure to include either a gif or jpeg replacement image. All ads that contain flash animation must meet all specifications for flash advertising, including clicktag. Please click here to see flash specs.

5. Any audio must be user-Initiated on click and include prominent on/off buttons.

6. An "expand" button must be present somewhere in the pencil portion of the ad.

7. A "close" button must be present in the lower right or left hand corner of the expanded portion of the ad.

8. Clients must provide with working DART ad tags. All link targets should be set to "new window". All links should be set to equal "dart" and Click Label should be set to "baseclick."

9. Sliding billboards will automatically open once per unique user per day.

10. If you are providing DART tags, z-index should be set to 2147483647


Interstitial Specs:

1. The dimensions for the interstitial are 640x480 pixels.

2. There is a 80K total file size limit.

3. No looping is allowed.

4. 8 second max length.

5. All ads that contain flash animation must meet all specifications for flash advertising, including clicktag. Please click here to see flash specs.

6. Any audio must be user-Initiated on click and include prominent on/off buttons.

7. Clients must provide with working DART ad tags. All link targets should be set to "new window". All links should be set to equal "dart" and Click Label should be set to "baseclick."

8. Interstitials will display once per user per day.

Floating Video Ads     example

Floating Ad Specs:

1. There is a 650x400 max dimension for these ads, but size restrictions will vary based on ad placement. Please check with sales rep for exact dimension restrictions.

2. There is a 40K total file size limit (all elements combined).

3. No looping is allowed and these ads are restricted to 10 seconds in length.

4. The creation of these ads requires a translucent fla video files or Quicktime video files with an alpha-channel intact.

5. Any audio must be user-Initiated on click and include prominent on/off buttons.

6. A "close" button must be present.

7. Clients must provide with working DART ad tags. All link targets should be set to "new window". All links should be set to equal "dart" and Click Label should be set to "baseclick."

Free-Form Floating Ads     example

Free-Form Floating Ad Specs:

1. There is a 650x400 max dimension for the floating portion of these ads, but size restrictions will vary based on ad placement. Please check with sales rep for exact dimension restrictions.

2. There is a 40K total file size limit (all elements combined).

3. No looping is allowed and these ads are restricted to 10 seconds in length.

4. Freeform floating ads can be created from either static or animated image elements. For static rich media ads, please submit gif or jpeg images to size. For animated rich media ads, please submit flv or swf files and be sure to include either a gif or jpeg replacement image. All ads that contain flash animation must meet all specifications for flash advertising, including clicktag. Please click here to see flash specs.

5. Any audio must be user-Initiated on click and include prominent on/off buttons.

6. A "close" button must be present somewhere in the expanding portion of the ad and this portion must revert on "mouse-off".

7. Clients must provide with working DART ad tags. All link targets should be set to "new window". All links should be set to equal "dart" and Click Label should be set to "baseclick." Reskin

There are 2 options for a reskin:

Full-page image:

Dimensions: 1600 x 1000, File Size Limit: 90K

Please see the reskin template, as the reskin will not appear within the 980 width of the content area on the web page.

Full-page image:

Dimensions: 250 x 250 max. (may be smaller), File Size Limit: 40K

This image will be tiled in the background on the entire web page.

Hover ad     example

Specs Hover Ad Leave-behind
Dimensions 980x100 100x100
File Size Limit 90K 15K
File Types Accepted swf/jpg/gif/png swf/jpg/gif/png

  • Hover ad must contain collapse button
  • Leave behind must contain close & expand button
  • No strobing effects, Flash animation limited to 10 seconds, Audio must be user-initiated

In addition, rich media ads must meet all specifications for display ads. Please click here to see display ad specifications.

For more information about advertising and creative specifications, please contact Michael O'Neil at 410-332-6939.